Local Aboriginal land councils
Local Aboriginal Land Councils are autonomous bodies which are governed by boards elected by local Aboriginal community members, every 2 years.
LALCs were established under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 as the elected representatives for Aboriginal people in NSW. This role extends beyond representation of the interests of Land Council members, to all Aboriginal people living in NSW.
The network of 121 Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs) is divided into nine regions. The number within each Region varies and ranges from ten to 21.
The 9 Regions are:
North Western
South Coast
North Coast
Mid North Coast
LALCs work for their members and the wider Aboriginal community living in their local area. They assist in matters relating to the areas of housing, legal, employment and other day-to-day matters involving Aboriginal people in accordance with functions detailed under the NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act (1983)Act.
LALCs were established under the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 as the elected representatives for Aboriginal people in NSW. This role extends beyond representation of the interests of Land Council members, to all Aboriginal people living in NSW.
The network of 121 Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs) is divided into nine regions. The number within each Region varies and ranges from ten to 21.
The 9 Regions are:
North Western
South Coast
North Coast
Mid North Coast
LALCs work for their members and the wider Aboriginal community living in their local area. They assist in matters relating to the areas of housing, legal, employment and other day-to-day matters involving Aboriginal people in accordance with functions detailed under the NSW Aboriginal Land Rights Act (1983)Act.